1/12/2021 Market Analysis

2021, Jan 12    


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General Market commentary

SPX S&P 500 is flat today. The market is catching a breath which is healthy. The good news is all the growth stocks are absolutely on fireeeeee today! We alerted XPEV in our private twitter this morning:


Aaaaaannnnnd the rest is history :).


Quantative market model signal

  1. Midterm trend: bullish

  2. Midterm risk: neutral

Featured charts


GEX In yesterday’s market analysis, we discussed GEX could potentialliy limit market upside. However, GEX is down a lot today. Remember, most of the faded GEX come from FANG+ stocks. This could signal a short term rally for mega-caps. Again, remember this week is OPEX week and the market is expected to be volatile and choppy!!!