1/11/2021 Market Analysis

2021, Jan 11    


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General Market commentary

SPX S&P 500 is down 0.66% today. This is a much needed break to prevent the market to “take the staircase up and elevator down”. However, remember this week is OPEX week and the market is expected to be volatile and choppy. Nothing bearish insight yet, but it’s important to watch TSLA and BTC as the two key indicators for risk appetite. If these two key risky assets craters, the market could be in trouble. However if they slowly pull back and consolidate, the market should be in good shape.

Quantative market model signal

  1. Midterm trend: bullish

  2. Midterm risk: neutral

Featured charts


BTCUSD Followed by our call in Jan 7th’s market analysis, Bitcoin hit a low ~30K today. That’s a fast 20%+ drop in a few days since our warning was sent. Remeber, there is no sustainable parabolic advance. Congrats to those of you followed our analysis and booked some stellar profits! Please note there is nothing bearish in BTC yet, a 20% drop is a normal correction in crypto markets.


BTCUSD Well, here is another historical GEX chart. What does this tell you? Market makers are under unprecedented gamma exposures and according to max pain theory, they will do whatever they can to kill as many options as possible in dollar terms. Therefore the upside for the general market is quiet limited, at least for this week.