12/23/2020 Market Analysis

2020, Dec 23    

General Market commentary

SPX Market completely erased the gains due to a sharp selloff right before close. As we highlighted in yesterday’s market update as well as recent posts, we have been pounding the table on managing risk. The current market is almost completely driven by stimulus optimism. However, Trump refused to pass the $600 stimulus and demands a $2,000 check. Read more here. If the government fails to pass the stimulus deal in time, be prepared for a BIG sell off.

Quantative market model signal

  1. Midterm trend: neutral (dowgraded from moderately bullish)
  2. Midterm risk: high

Featured charts


As they say, there is always a bull market somewhere. Today XL stands out. The recent madness in SPACs has been crazy, and no one knows when and how it ends. But as market speculators, this is a great environment for us. Remember, madness begets madness. Below are the alerts sent in private twitter. If you are thinking about following our twitter, please read the rules first.