12/15/2020 Market Analysis

2020, Dec 15    

General Market commentary

SPX The S&P 500 index made a decent recovery today on positive stimulus talks. The stimulus will be a key driver for the market in the near term. I am still cautiously optimistic on the market. However, the bullish sentiment keeps me on high alert. Many new traders are trading/investing like crazy and making good returns. Usually this indicates an impending market pullback. But always remember, you can never solely rely on sentiment readings to time the market. The PRICE ALWAYS dictates.

Quantative market model signal

Moderately bullish

Featured chart


TAN The solar ETF is on fire - again. +8.07% in one day for an ETF is a significant advance. The whole solar industry is getting love and institutions are piling in. The bullish momentum should continue and the trend is indicating higher prices.