12/22/2020 Announcements - CL Capital twitter

2020, Dec 22    


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CL Capital’s public twitter is now live. You can subscribe the twitter and enable the notifications to stay tuned. This public twitter will mainly alert you when a new post is available and occasionally some investment ideas.

CL Capital’s private twitter is now live. This twitter is by-invitation only and may or may not be continued. All the real-time trade alerts are published here. Some of CL Capital’s secrets to achieve 100%+ annual return are shared here too. Some trade highlights will be posted on the website like this one - 2020/12/22’s trade-highlights. CL Capital is currently sharing all the valuable knowledge and information for completely FREE right now. This is an effort to teach normal people like you to beat wall street professionals on financial markets. Furthermore, we believe the knowledge should be more widely spreaded. CL Capital’s private twitter membership is to reward community members with extrodinary contributions. Those of you who proactively help to grow CL Capital’s community will be rewarded with CL Capital’s private twitter membership. One investment idea from this private twitter could make your year.